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Mindfulness Journal (Ebook)

Dustin Watten

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Together, we will use this Mindfulness Journal to reach our highest selves.

Each day, we will answer a set of questions in the journal that will empower us to work with a foundation of abundance and to make sure we are working in alignment with our values and priorities.

More About Dustin and his journey:

Dustin Watten is a member of Team USA, a World Cup Champion, and is currently in his 10th season as a professional athlete. He lives in Katowice, Poland.
Growing up, he believed that with hard work he could accomplish anything he wanted.
Once he achieved his dream of becoming a professional athlete, he realized that everyone who had made it to this level still had to work hard and that his will for success would be the bare minimum if he was to survive and continue in his career. He wanted to thrive and he became relentless in his quest to learn everything he could about the body and the mind, He worked hard every single day.
Through his discovery of different philosophies such as stoicism, and his knowledge from studying books on sports psychology, mindset and mindfulness, he became aware of just how powerful and plentiful our perceptions can be and how quickly we can flip adversity into advantage, callusing the mind.
Dustin became a connoisseur of growth, experimenting and implementing new routines and committing himself to daily micro-tasks on and off the court knowing that with each day, he would be leaving behind a lesser version of himself.
He began to develop a deep faith in himself as an athlete and as a person because of the intentional and purposeful work he was putting in day after day, regardless of the results, his playing time or other external situations.
He aligns with Victor Frankl's thought, “everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s way. Everywhere man is confronted with fate, with the chance of achieving something through his own suffering.”
Dustin knows now that everything comes down to the attitude we choose no matter the set of circumstances, it is our ability to use each experience to empower us, take stock of where we are, where we want to be and how we plan on getting there that will bring true success.
As he continues on his journey, he is excited to share how he uses mindfulness on a daily basis to manifest gratitude, work with purpose, and transform failures into tomorrow’s power and intention.