Helps to Remove Obstacles, Clear Negativity, Fulfill Dreams, and Transcend limitation.
This Artwork:
A perfect representation of True Sacred Geometry, the Sri Yantra Map, Color Guidance, and Sequence is proof that Sri Yantra is not just "an approximate shape" as many would say, but rather, a very strict Sacred Geometrical Figure that can be built perfectly when following Master Svietliy's geometrical sequence. This Sacred Artwork has been presented in The Tongdrol Exhibition in Los Angeles, CA in 2019.
More About Sri Yantra:
The Sri Yantra is one of the most powerful and important Yantras for dream fulfillment. It is often called “the mother of all Yantras” because all yantras come from this diagram. The Sri Yantra has very strong cosmic powers and has the ability to help you focus your energies and desires to make your wishes come true.
Sri Yantra literally means “Instrument for Wealth”. It creates material and spiritual abundance in your life. Sri Yantra has an extraordinary power to fulfil wishes and change your life forever.
The Sri Yantra diagram is formed by 9 triangles that surround and radiate from the central (bindu) point. These nine triangles are of various sizes and intersect with one another. In the middle is the power point called bindu, which represents the point from which the entire cosmos expand.